The following firms are believed to presently make a market in Glacier Bancorp, Inc. stock on the NASDAQ
Company Phone Address
(843) 789-2112
11 eWall Street
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
(212) 312-6770
150 East 58th Street
17th Floor
New York, NY 10155
(312) 395-2100
131 South Dearborn Street
32nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
(212) 816-6000
388 Greenwich Street
38th Floor
New York, NY 10013
(406) 727-4200
Eight Third Street, North
Great Falls, MT 59401
(312) 986-8359
175 West Jackson Boulevard
Suite 1700
Chicago, IL 60604
(212) 687-1105
125 West 55th Street
Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10019
(703) 312-9500
1300 North 17th Street
Suite 1400
Arlington, VA 22209
(901) 435-8080
845 Crossover Lane
Suite 150
Memphis, TN 38117
(216) 592-1700
1301 East Ninth Street
Suite 3232
Cleveland, OH 44114
(212) 902-1000
200 West Street
29th Floor
New York, NY 10282
(212) 270-6000
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(212) 887-7777
The Equitable Building
787 Seventh Avenue, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10019
(800) 637-7455
Bank of America Tower
One Bryant Park
New York, NY 10036
(212) 761-4000
1585 Broadway Avenue
New York, NY 10036
(201) 413-2000
One Pershing Plaza
Jersey City, NJ 07399
(612) 303-6000
800 Nicollet Mall
Suite 1000
Minneapolis, MN 55402
(212) 778-6053
One New York Plaza
15th Floor
New York, NY 10292
(212) 428-6200
Three World Financial Center
200 Vesey Street, Ninth Floor
New York, NY 10281
(212) 466-7800
1251 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10020
(314) 342-2000
One Financial Plaza
501 North Broadway
Saint Louis, MO 63102
(212) 719-2000
1285 Avenue of the Americas
One Stamford Forum-Second Floor
New York, NY 10019